Monday 8/21/23

CrossFit 7x7
August 24, 2023
Monday 8/21/23

A) Every 2:30 for 4 rounds:

Min 0-1: 5 strict tempo ring dips (2 seconds down, 2 seconds up, 2 second hold at top)

Min 1:00-1:30: Max push-ups

Min 1:30-2:30: Rest

*Sub bar dips, skinny banded dips or bench dips. If you don’t have a set of 15+ unbroken pushups, use a band for the push-ups to ensure you can work for the whole 30 seconds. Hang the band from the rig and put it around the chest.

B) 5 rounds for total time:

Rest 2 minutes after each round

Run 400m + 12 burpee box jump overs (24/20")

*30 minute time cap

**Modify to 300m if you can’t consistently run a sub 2:30 400m

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