Daniel Malcher

Daniel Malcher



- CrossFit L1

About Coach

Danny's fitness journey started as an outlet to relieve stress after the passing of his father. Like most CrossFitters, Danny came from a fitness family background where both his Mother and Father were long-distance runners and he played soccer & baseball.

Ever since the passing of his father, Danny found his well-being improved from the outlet fitness provided as a way to help work through stress, as he noticed he felt so much better.It wasn’t until 2017 when his sister encouraged him to try CrossFit that he really found his calling. Danny was doing HIIT workouts when his sister felt he would thrive in the sport. She was right! Not only did he thrive, but he fell completely fell in love with the sport!

CrossFit was more than just an hour-a-day workout session for Danny. He found it was a community of athletes.Strong individuals - both mentally and physically, and well-rounded coaches who had his best interest in mind, both in and out of the gym.

Not only did CrossFit provide him with a supportive community and stronger health benefits, it paved the way for his career as a firefighter. CrossFit and becoming a firefighter opened his heart to want to help others, which drove his desire to become a Coach. Danny loves to encourage, guide, and lead a community of athletes to work hard to fulfill a better lifestyle and fuel their hearts with a sense of satisfaction.

Motivation & Passion

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