A) Seven total rounds of:
5 minute AMRAP: Row/Bike/Ski-erg @ 70-75% effort
5 minute AMRAP: Alt. turkish get ups (44-53lb/26-35lb)
5 minute AMRAP: Row/Bike/Ski-erg @ 70-75%
5 minute AMRAP: wall walks
5 minute AMRAP: Row/Bike/Ski-erg @ 70-75%
5 minute AMRAP: burpees
5 minute AMRAP: Row/Bike/Ski-erg @ 70-75%
*This is a continuous 35 minute piece. Find a steady pace on each movement that you can maintain.
**Wall walk scale: inchworm out to plank + 6 shoulder taps + inchworm back to standing
B) Time permitting: Coaches choice core/bodybuilding accessory work