Saturday 5/27/23

CrossFit 7x7
May 27, 2023
Saturday 5/27/23

Partner WOD

A) 16x 30 seconds on 15 secs off alt between (4 rounds each):

Superman arch hold

Left arm tempo bent over rows (Pause at top, slow lower)

Right arm tempo bent over rows (Pause at top, slow lower)

Bandy tricep extensions

B) 20 minute partner AMRAP (leap frog style):

10 burpees to 6” target above reach

10 db hang power cleans (2x50/35lb)

10 box jumps (24/20”)

10 db front squats

10 25ft shuttle runs

*Partner A does 10 burpees, then partner B does 10 hang cleans, then A does box jumps, B squats, A shuttle runs and next round B starts with burpees

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